Eucalyptus – Globulus
Eucalyptus – Globulus
Eucalyptus globulus, 100% essential oil
Botanical name: Eucalyptus globulus
Origin: Madagascar
Plant part: Leaves, steam distilled
Chemical family: Oxides 67.8%, Monoterpenes 22.3%, Monoterpenols 1.5%
Main components: 1,8-cineole 67.8%, α-pinene 14.7%, limonene (d) 5.6%
Shelf life: suggested 4 years
Aroma: Top note. Fresh, sweet, woodsy, medicinal-like, camphoraceous, penetrating
Therapeutic properties:
**Analgesic: can help with minor pain and has pain blocking properties
**Anti-inflammatory: helps relieve inflammation from pain and also respiratory
**Anti-oxidant: promotes healthy cells
**Anti-bacterial/microbial/viral: aids in killing off and inhibits growth of certain bacteria, very beneficial for airborne bacteria, has shown anti-viral potential
**Anti-fungal: active against candida
**Astringent: can decrease sebum production (oily skin)
**Anti-spasmodic: can help with muscle spasms
**Cephalic: beneficial for helping with cognitive performance
**Decongestant: supports healthy lung function and congestion
**Expectorant: very supportive for respiratory illness, helps clear the breathing passages
**Mucolytic: very effective for mucous in the respiratory
**Immunostimulant: anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial actions can help strengthen the immune system
**Cerebral blood flow: especially when used as an inhalant, can increase cerebral blood flow and help with stagnant sinus/respiratory clearing
**Skin penetrator: skin penetrating enhancer–helps drive other oils in a blend through the skin
**Emotional: very uplifting, clearing and fresh. Soothes the mind, promotes clear thinking, brings clarity
Suggestions: Add to cream, massage blends, diffuser, sprays, aromatherapy inhalers, balms, lip balms, bath products including salts
Safety: Non-toxic, non-irritating–although if oxidized it can cause skin irritation. Not to be used with babies or children under 8 as it is too strong for younger respiratory functions. Caution for asthmatics as oil can possibly set off an attack.
Available in 5ml and 15ml euro dropper bottles. 100% essential oil.*****This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. As with all essential oils, never use them undiluted, in eyes or mucous membranes. Do not overuse. Do not take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner. Keep away from children. If applying an essential oil to your skin always perform a small patch test to an insensitive part of the body. Consult your doctor or qualified aromatherapist for the safety of using essential oils if pregnant, planning to become pregnant, nursing or if on medications.
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